Updates must be installed by Positrak Support staff.
- Stock Check improvements:
a. Removed the restriction for stock check ordering that only allowed orders to one location at a time, for certain connections (UCI).
b. Added the ability to link stock check server locations to suppliers, for automatically adding stock check orders to the PO system without being prompted at POS.
- Improvements to Reporting and new reports:
a. Added a new optional parameter to the “Parts Sold Report” for “NS Parts Only,” to report only NS parts sold daily if desired.
b. Added Bin Location to the Pick Ticket layout.
c. Changed the Report Generator and other report exports use XLSX instead of CSV.
d. Added the “Notes” field to the PO History Report printout.
e. Added Forced Pricing Report in the Price Updating Menu.
f. Added another Inventory Report Generator option – Stocking #s OR OH > 0.
- Added ability to view/reprint/email a previous invoice from the PartTrak screen with a right-click menu.

- Added color coding to the Recall Hold & Quote tickets screen, to indicate how long the ticket has been outstanding.

- Added “one-step” discount or surcharge button in POS to avoid having to add manually. This is optional and must be turned on in Preferences.

- Changed the “Display GP at POS” in Preferences from a global parameter to a per-user security role so that it can be controlled per counterman.
- Made Line Item Comments span the entire invoice grid, so that they are more readable.
- Transaction search improvements:
a. Added a “Returns Only” checkbox in the Transaction Log screen, so that returns only can be shown (and printed if necessary).
b. Added Mechanic Name to the Transaction Log report printout.
- Added ability to specify either 30 or 60 days on adding service charges per account.
- Purchase Order system improvements and new features:
a. Added prompt in the Purchase Order Menu to check for Backorder POs beyond a specified # of days (in Preferences). The prompt will ask if user wants to delete POs older than that.
b. Change the Purchase Order procedure for min/max orders to consider parts already on order. It previously ignored all parts already on order, even if the min/max criteria still applied.
- Added ability to save “Custom Reports” that can be exported to CSV or Excel.
- Added Core price to the Part Search form.
- Multi-store changes and improvements:
a. Modified the Payment Report on the End of Day to only show payments from the current location, rather than all locations together.
b. Added the ability to specify a different invoice design type per location if preferred.
- Minor updates and fixes:
a. Fixed issue voiding a ticket with a deleted part on it.
b. Fixed issue where invoice notes field would clear when changing an account.
c. Fixed issue with “1B” buyouts where the catalog description would interfere with the buyout designation (“/B” in the description).