Updates must be installed by Positrak support.
- Added ability to add a barcode value on the same screen when adding a new part.
- Added alternates inline display in the catalog. Can be turned off if desired with user preference.
- Added signature to cash receipt printout, for those that use receipts for charge tickets as well.
- Added checkbox in Review Charge Transactions to review by date range, also to show detailed aging at the time of the transaction.
- Added email capability to the AR Report viewer, which will allow emailing on a lot of reports that didn’t that capability before.
- Added price updating support for Factory Motor Parts to both the price updating menu and PriceTrak.
- Added ability to update pricing on the fly after modifying price factors in the price updating menu, without going through a warehouse update.
- Added a preview option when updating price files to see cost changes by percent difference.
- Added stock check and order transmit capability with Federated “Group Link” and FMP via Neumonics.
- New and improved model for Blockchyp integrated Credit Card processing.