Updates must be installed by Positrak Support.
What’s new in Positrak Pro 2069
- Added License Plate Lookup to the Positrak catalog.

- Initial release of a new Work Order system.
- Added Saved Vehicle feature to the new (2023 version) catalog.
- Reporting additions:
- Added new Baldwin 2025 rebate report format.
- Added site filter to Account List and Detail reports.
- Added Aging Type filter to AR Aging Reports.
- Added part description to PO export to Excel.
- Added email capability to the report scheduler for the daily On Hold report.
- Added Account Name to the Daily Cash Transactions report.
- Added new invoice printing options in Preferences:
- Bin Location, Customer Phone #, Tax ID, Reprint designation.
- Added “Account Vehicle” & “Customer Phone” to thermal receipt.

- Added “Tender Note” to the transaction log search to search the last 4 digits of credit card transactions.

- New streamlined Point of Sale features:
- Added a “ToolTip” with more account information to be displayed when hovering over the Account Name label in Point of Sale.
- Added employee filter to Recall Hold/Quotes screen.
- Added checkbox in Transaction search for “Show Parts On Hold” to prefill invoice # with -1 to search on hold parts.
- Added PO to recent invoices list when viewing/reprinting in Point of Sale.
- Added orange color to the interchange results to indicate an alternate is attached to a part.
- Time Clock improvements including the ability for an admin to add new punches.
- Purchase Orders & Scanning:
- Added Bin Location to the PO Posting Report.
- Added support for custom masterpack barcode qtys.
- Added sound effects to “Scan Receive” – one for no UPC match found, one for UPC match found but part not on the PO, one for success when scanned qty >= the order qty.
- New defaults in User Preferences:
- Statements: “prefer store copy” for emailed invoices.
- Adding accounts: default aging frequency (monthly/weekly).
- Price updating support for new vendors: Mid-America and Parks Auto Parts.
- Added Warehouse Return type for Overstock Return, added Supplier to tie the order to a specific vendor.
- Added the ability to transmit electronic returns via the Warehouse Returns Menu
- Added a prompt to the traditional “Scan Receive” warning that the qty column will be zeroed in preparation for scanning.
- Added price updating from invoice to the Orgill maintenance process.
- Improvements to the Manage Catalog Lines screen.
- Filtered non-inventory changes out of PartTrak (removed po records from buy-outs).
- Dressed up the Warehouse Returns form.
- Mechanic Changes, including the ability to mark a mechanic as inactive.
- Dressed up the “Scan Receive” function with more clear terminology.
- Fixed issue with Traditional closeout not printing some statements.
- Fixed filtering issue on Batch Invoice form.
- Fixed issue with automatic ordering/stock check with Neumonics/Factory Motor Parts.
- Fixed issue exporting the Backorder Report to Excel.
- Fixed PO Stock Check issue that didn’t remove negative warehouse quantities from the PO upon the “Remove” function.
- Fixed issue with adding duplicate Part Aliases.
- Fixed email invoice issue when using the “force all tickets to cash receipt printer” option.
- Fixed tax calculation issue that affected some hold tickets.