Release Notes: Positrak Pro Version

What’s new in Positrak Pro 2069

  1. Added License Plate Lookup to the Positrak catalog.
  1. Initial release of a new Work Order system.
  2. Added Saved Vehicle feature to the new (2023 version) catalog.
  3. Reporting additions:
    • Added new Baldwin 2025 rebate report format.
    • Added site filter to Account List and Detail reports.
    • Added Aging Type filter to AR Aging Reports.
    • Added part description to PO export to Excel.
    • Added email capability to the report scheduler for the daily On Hold report.
    • Added Account Name to the Daily Cash Transactions report.
  1. Added new invoice printing options in Preferences:
    • Bin Location, Customer Phone #, Tax ID, Reprint designation.
    • Added “Account Vehicle” & “Customer Phone” to thermal receipt.
  1. Added “Tender Note” to the transaction log search to search the last 4 digits of credit card transactions.
  1. New streamlined Point of Sale features:
    • Added a “ToolTip” with more account information to be displayed when hovering over the Account Name label in Point of Sale.
    • Added employee filter to Recall Hold/Quotes screen.
    • Added checkbox in Transaction search for “Show Parts On Hold” to prefill invoice # with -1 to search on hold parts.
    • Added PO to recent invoices list when viewing/reprinting in Point of Sale.
    • Added orange color to the interchange results to indicate an alternate is attached to a part.
  2. Time Clock improvements including the ability for an admin to add new punches.
  3. Purchase Orders & Scanning:
    • Added Bin Location to the PO Posting Report.
    • Added support for custom masterpack barcode qtys.
    • Added sound effects to “Scan Receive” – one for no UPC match found, one for UPC match found but part not on the PO, one for success when scanned qty >= the order qty.
  4. New defaults in User Preferences:
    • Statements: “prefer store copy” for emailed invoices.
    • Adding accounts: default aging frequency (monthly/weekly).
  5. Price updating support for new vendors: Mid-America and Parks Auto Parts.
  6. Added Warehouse Return type for Overstock Return, added Supplier to tie the order to a specific vendor.
  7. Added the ability to transmit electronic returns via the Warehouse Returns Menu
  1. Added a prompt to the traditional “Scan Receive” warning that the qty column will be zeroed in preparation for scanning.
  2. Added price updating from invoice to the Orgill maintenance process.
  3. Improvements to the Manage Catalog Lines screen.
  4. Filtered non-inventory changes out of PartTrak (removed po records from buy-outs).
  5. Dressed up the Warehouse Returns form.
  6. Mechanic Changes, including the ability to mark a mechanic as inactive.
  7. Dressed up the “Scan Receive” function with more clear terminology.
  1. Fixed issue with Traditional closeout not printing some statements.
  2. Fixed filtering issue on Batch Invoice form.
  3. Fixed issue with automatic ordering/stock check with Neumonics/Factory Motor Parts.
  4. Fixed issue exporting the Backorder Report to Excel.
  5. Fixed PO Stock Check issue that didn’t remove negative warehouse quantities from the PO upon the “Remove” function.
  6. Fixed issue with adding duplicate Part Aliases.
  7. Fixed email invoice issue when using the “force all tickets to cash receipt printer” option.
  8. Fixed tax calculation issue that affected some hold tickets.