How To: Reprint, View, or Email an Invoice

To reprint, view, or email an invoice, you have several options:

  1.  If you know the invoice number, you can use the “View/Reprint” button in POS.  At the top, type in the invoice number and choose what you want to do:  Reprint, View, or Email.
  2.  If you do not know the invoice number, you can use the Transaction Search screen to find it.  Open the Transactions viewer and search by using a date range, account #, part #, or what ever necessary.  Once you have results on the screen, you can right click on any line item to Reprint, View, or Email.
  3.  If the invoice is in the current month – if you know the account number, you can pull up the current month’s transactions for that account.  In the account # field at POS, type in the account number and “T” and press enter.  This will bring up the current month’s statement for that account.  You can right-click on any invoice for multiple options, including Reprint, View, or Email.

One Comment on “How To: Reprint, View, or Email an Invoice”

  1. Rick says:

    unable to email invoice ticket to customers. plz advise

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